
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Even Chillier

While Sunday found the keen walkers in the club stomping around the clova hills, Stu and Ed headed north to the steep frowning glory of dark lochnagar.

The air was depressingly warm as we left the carpark and uneasy "jokes" about "taking the gear for a walk" and "walking on some fitness" filled the air. Luckily as we got closer to the col this was replaced by snow, with more falling as we arrived at the rescue box. Central Buttress - a pleasant grade II, was settled on for a first route blast. Another (braver!) team were heading up towards eagle ridge. The buttresses were white with plenty of (wet) wind blasted snow sitting on the approaches.

The first pitch gave run out climbing on broken ground - wet powder giving little purchase on the rock, and turf semi frozen but climbable, made none the more pleasant by constant scouring spindrift. The second pitch along the crest of the buttress gave nice mixed climbing (if absolutely baltic where exposed to the wind) again with wet powdery snow to the belay before the final runout snow slopes to the top.

Unfortunately the cloud stayed down all day, with only fleeting glimpses of the loch below and plateau above, with spindrift further limiting vis all day.

Apart from the team heading for eagle ridge and a lone walker seen in the distance whilst walking in we spotted no one else on the hill, and no tracks hinted at others out - a rare quiet day on the 'gar!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Chilly up top

On the upper slopes of Mayar
The Sunday walk yesterday saw seven of us plus dog head to Glen Clova to take advantage of a promising forecast. Early rain cleared to provide a generally dry and overcast day, with momentary glimpses of sun, a few flurries of snow, and a bitter and relentless northerly wind scouring the tops. 


Mayar and Dreish via Coire Fee was the chosen route. Freshly brewed tea courtesy of Denis and his camper van provided a welcome conclusion to a good day out.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Club meet: Glen Affric, 5-7 Nov 2010

A great trip to Glen Affric took place the other weekend, with Strawberry Cottage providing an excellent base to tackle the adjacent hills. 
Looking up Glen Affric with Strawberry Cottage on the right.

Cold winds did little to discourage activities on the Saturday, with most people taking in at least 3 of the 4 Munros of Mam Sodhail, Carn Eige, Beinn Fhionnlaidh, and An Socach.

Denis tackled An Tudair Beag, while Duncan, Juliet and Calum gave the legs a good old stretch on a 13 hour stomp to Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan and back. All efforts were rewarded back at the cottage with a fine feast of hot food and a fleeting visit from a barn owl.
Heading over to Beinn Fhionnlaidh
Mullach Fraoch Choire from Strawberry Cottage

Sunday provided a beautifully crisp autumnal morning, with cracking views across the hills of the glen, and the weather not seriously deteriorating until later in the afternoon.

View up Glen Affric from Beinn Mheadhoin.

Beinn Mheadhoin, Toll Creagach and fixing a flat tyre were among the objectives of the day before folk headed for home.

Many thanks to John, Stuart and Denis for the photos.


Hello people. Welcome to the newly created blog for the Aberdeen Mountaineering Club (AMC). Hopefully both existing and prospective members alike will enjoy these regularly updated stories and photos describing the activities of  the club and its members.

For more information on the club, please check out our website or, better still, come and meet us upstairs at the pub from 9.15pm on a Tuesday night.