
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ann's Birthday Outing

On Sat 14th a select band of AMC members tackled Lochnagar from the north. We had meant to be camping in Ullapool, but there was a forecast of cold wet weather and we've all got that T-shirt.

Target in sight

The woods of Ballochbuie were as attractive as ever as we made our ascent in pleasant sunny conditions. The path, with bridge swept away in the winter, gave easy access onto the Mounth. Now the weather decided to close in a bit and the strong NW wind was accompanied by fairly frequent snow showers. Due to a bit of Proper Planning we had this at our backs and were soon around the plateau and at the summit for first lunch.

On the Top

A quick descent via the North Top got us down to the Prince's Stone, an ideal sheltered venue for second lunch before heading back into the woods.

Ballochbuie woods

Then it was home for tea and medals, followed by the freshly-showered group re-convening for a BBQ.

New BBQ venue

Friday, May 6, 2011

Arran weekend - 29th April - 2nd May

Over the sea to Arran

Club members took advantage of the long weekend and fine weather and made the trip west to the beautiful isle of Arran. Walking and climbing, the activities of choice.

Evan and Kathryn

The Arran meet got off to a glorious weather start with groups off us wandering among the hills.

We wandered along babbling brooks.

Up the vale of Glen Rosa to explore all the nooks.

We continued on and upwards to get better outlooks.

When nigh up we spied oot climbers in brightly coloured smocks

Climbing among the rocks

We were obliged therefore to join them or be forsook

We had comfy belay points to admire the view and see what it took to get to the top

Caliban’s Creep – a fine VD with a tunnel and a chimney but no smoke.

Day 2 was a rather relaxed affair with a wander amongst some long thin rocks

Which we shared with some rather fine furry friends

Chris and Ed

Alas this bit is picture free, as the camera batteries were flat prior to setting off and it would be outrageous to expect mains electricity for charging this far West – Ed! The elected journey to Arran was via the north. Thursday night was spent out on the shore of Clainoig counting stars in the clear sky and drinking beer, awaiting the first ferry to Lochranza. Once on the island, it was down to push bikes to get around.

That afternoon we headed up to Cir Mhor and completed Prospero’s Prelude. The rock was in excellent condition, the sun was blazing and a light breeze ahoy to keep you cool.

That evening, while enjoying some local cuisine from Chinese take away – home bakes were being dished out, however for some this was too much, citing that “I’ve had my muffin for the day, and one is quite enough” and then proceeding headlong into a banana…

The next couple of days were spent shuttling back and forth from Cir Mhor, nuzzling around various climbs - Sou Wester Slabs and Prosperos Peril – but the less said about the latter the better... The wind was the biggest issue, with the ropes often rattling around the crags – which is slightly unnerving to say the least and put us off attempting the South Ridge! On the final afternoon, an attempt was made to grab a pint prior to dinner where additional entertainment was provided by the pub dog drinking any beers which weren’t closely guarded!

Over the couple of days, some excellent club grub was prepared and consumed – so many thanks to all who had a hand in the cooking. The final day for ourselves, comprised a tab up Goat’s Fell, cycle back over the Lochranza (which with the lightened packs was an opportunity to drop the chain onto the big ring and put a good turn of speed down) and finally 1 pint of ice cream between 2!

Denis, on a well earned summit

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What shall we do on a Tuesday evening?

With the long light summer nights approaching, club members have been taking full advantage of the more clement weather conditions and have enjoyed trips to the local crags. As well as providing blog readers with a commentary of club activities, we aim to provide some literary variation. So, at the request of various club members (after a couple of pints in the Frigate last night...) the following post should be read as a shanty song, to the tune/rhythm of 'The drunken sailor.' Enjoy!

Stu deciding between 'All Quiet' and 'Waves', Romain on 'Big daddy'

The bottle-neck to get to the base of the crag

On Tuesday night we all went climbing,
It was warm and the sun was shining,
2nd trip of the year and we all were smiling,
At Deceptive wall.

Phil leading up (possibly) 'Fretted socket' and Yvonne just trying to get to the top!

12 of us in total made it down there,
The tide was out so we didn’t drown there,
The wind was low and the crag top views fair,
At Deceptive wall.

Romain and Cyril climbing some hard stuff

Romain and Cyril climbed some hard stuff,
Yvonne followed up and found it real tough,
Chis came next over the rock bluff,
At Deceptive Wall.

Stuart and Chris getting ready for another climb

Stu and Chris they climbed as a pair,
With Phil and Naomi, Jay and Blair,
Sarah came next warning Neil to take care,
At Deceptive wall.

Chris leading up 'Cormorant.'

Many routes achieved and the wall well conquered,
Sometimes skillfully but often blundered,
The sun went down and we all turned homeward,
At Deceptive wall.

The only way is up for the two Chris'

Romain, on belay.