
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Birthday Streap-show

Last weekend saw Ann & John on a rare winter weekend over west to celebrate John’s birthday. We arrived on Friday night to a frosty moonlit panorama of the Ben and Grey Corries but a forecast of wind and rain for the morn. It wasn’t wrong, with cold driving rain for most of the day that had us seeking refuge in the gear shops of the Fort.

Sunday’s forecast was much better but unfortunately was also much less accurate as we woke to yet more rain. By lunchtime it had dried up a bit so we headed west to the Marylin of Beinn nan Cabar. A nice easy approach followed by a short steep climb got us to the summit just below the snowline with fine views out to Eigg and Ardnamurchan. One the way down we spotted an interesting-looking ridge which turned out to be just that and we finished on Druim Fiaclach soon after sunset.
View from Druim Fiaclach

Monday saw us up early and away to get the most out of the promised good weather. This took a bit of faith as it was thick fog first thing but as we got further west it cleared to reveal clear blue sky. We tackled the high Corbett of Streap from Gleann Dubh Lighe and what a good choice it was. The nearest Scotland gets to Alpine conditions for most of the day with just the odd patch of vaporous cloud to add interest. Although the snow started at around 600 m, by the tops it was deep and hard going on breakable crust. Made it tough going in places but the views were worth it.

South from the ridge towards Loch Shiel

Scrambly bit to the summit of Streap

Descent from the summit

SE to the Ben and Mamores