
Thursday, March 6, 2014

more views of Liathach

Some further views of last weekend's traverse of Liathach
Phil and Linda ascending to the ridge

Stuart broke trail through the soft snow to the ridge

Roddy about to reach the ridge after a steep ascent.

After getting to the business part of the ridge - the pinnacles, the fun began...

Linda and Phil took the low route while Stuart took the more interesting line

The technical nature of the terrain led to queues on the ridge

Looking back to Ed and Scuz on the pinnacle section of the ridge

Once past the Pinnacles the only danger was to stay away from the corniced edge

Everyone made it back to the Invercroft Hut for a great meal and a few drinks in front of the fire.....

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Inver Croft meet - Horseshoe of Beinn Liath Mhor and Sgorr Rhudh

A few photos of Aunty and Scuz modelling for Goat, the aspirant photographer for Vogue hillwalking magazine.

Lunch out of the wind on Beinn Liath Mhor col. (This modelling business makes you hungry).
 Posing on the first summit............
 On the second summit and still posing............
The weather was deteriorating so saving Thor Tholl for another day.

Inver Croft Meet - Liathach Traverse

The hill started out claggy as we walked up the path and plodded up through the steep deep unfrozen snow towards the East col. We donned crampons on the col and followed the narrow ridge to the first top. Descending in the mist, we realised that we'd taken a wrong turn when we met a group of students heading back the way they'd come. A map check and a short traverse put us back on track.
There were a lot of people on the pinnacles. We were rewarded by the clag clearing revealing our superb situation.

Then it's time to head doon into the sunshine, with a spot of bum sliding fun on the way. A classic trip in great company.