
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Torridon Meet

Last weekend a hardy bunch of AMC-ers were undeterred by the foul forecast and headed across to Torridon where the excellent accommodation of the Ling Hut was waiting. Most even arrived in time to cook in the hut and get the place warmed up the tail-enders. 
Ling Hut
Saturday dawned reasonably bright, with little sign of the promised heavy showers although the strong winds were getting going. Most played it safe with sensible lower-level routes with easy escapes. Lowest of all, Mark and Ed undertook the Great Northern Panorama Traverse (around the back of Liathach to the rest of us). Linda B and John traversed Beinn na h-Eaglaise & Seana Mheallan, which gave them fine views of all the main Torridonian peaks and the considerable bonus of a finish in the pub. My, how the Beinn Damph Bar has changed. Malcolm and Donald battled up Sgorr nan Lochain Uaine and got back in time for an afternoon nap, while Rod laughed at the wind and managed to bag most of Beinn Eighe. That just leaves Linda S, who put us all to shame by running over Sgurr Ruadh just to get to Fuar Tholl, then almost ran back over Beinn Liath Mor but by then it was too windy even for her. And she wasn't last back...
The customary communal meal was suitably demolished despite the not inconsiderable challenge of Ed's Christmas Pud appearing as a finale, all washed down with the surplus wines from the Sailing Meet.
As predicted, Sunday was the sort of windy washout only the West Coast can deliver, so we all came home.
Beinn Damph from Beinn na h_Eaglaise

On Beinn na h_Eaglaise

Liathach from Seana Mheallan

Loch Torridon from Seana Mheallan