
Monday, February 23, 2015

Steall Hut and Corbett Bagging

The AMC Meet to the Steall Hut was rather under subscribed, but Friday saw Ed, Scuz and Mark head off West.  Via a kebab in Grantown we made it to the hut with supplies of food, beer, port, cider and whisky. We used the traditional path rather than Evan's alternative route.

Saturday dawned with a covering of fresh snow at Hut level.  We decided to do The Ring of Steall and set off up the usual path but were soon thrown off course by being avalanched at about 500m.  Large amounts of fresh snow had fallen in the previous few days and was still settling down.  As the path above was loaded with snow we sought an alternative route to the east and fairly easily made the ridge of An Gearanach which proceeded to give some great winter scrambling (except Scuz didn't like it!)

On reaching Stob Corrie a Chairn we dcecided to change our plans and head east rather than inflict more 'scary' exposed climbing on Scuz.  Instead it was decided to do the 2 hills to the east - Na Gruagaichean and Binnein Mor, which were a nice hard snow plod - just to Scuzzer's liking!
At the bealach before the first of these ascents Mark wimped out due to being very unfit and feeling a little weary just looking at the next hill.  So he descended the Alt coire na Gabhalach which was magnificently white and, if careful, with only a few waist deep snowdrifts of snow to cross. But lots of sunbathing and enjoying the fantastic scenery made the journey back to the hut fairly painless.

The evening saw everyone reunited at the hut for a 4 course posh bothy tea curtosy of Ed (with a little help from his friends).  The stir fry was even good despite the sauce being left in the car!  This was all washed down with afore mentioned alcohol.

Sunday was forecast to have storm force winds and heavy snow, so we had to resort to Corbett bagging for Scuz.  We chose Beinn Ban above Glen Loy.  Ed decided that 3 hours of physical pain was better than the week of mental torment from not leting Scuz have her fun....

The SMC Corbett book says the route we followed is 'easy but dull' - just about right.

  Add in 40mph winds and driving snow and you had a lovely day out.....

We even had to get the GPS out to find the summit...

By the top Scuz had a couple of fairly reluctant friends....

The lesson is, get dropped at the gear shop next time Scuz says she wants to go Corbettering!