
Monday, May 30, 2016

Morna+Juliette party & climbs before and after

Thanks to Morna and Juliette for having collected together so many AMC members in a nice location at Loch Tay. The wonderful sunshine completed the opera giving us an excellent weekend!
Most of the people spent two days walking on hills and Monroes but, as usual, climbers are devoted to climb...
Climbing spots at Dunkeld

Happy abseil!

 Heart of the weekend was the party. To get the most funny jokes you have to be there but...

BBQ, cakes and the protagonists

 The day after the group split in cyclists, climbers and hill walkers. 
Thanks to Morna and Juliette for the nice party and their incomparable usual kindness.

As epilogue of this weekend, I can say that we, as a group, are good hill walkers, we try to be reasonably good climbers, but in terms of BBQ and parties, we are truly ahead...!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Exercise together!

Some spots from the sessions of climbing exercises. One more climb together in the month and a good exercise to refresh memory about climbing techniques that without practice are sometimes forgot.

Shirley did her first lead climb. With Ruari guardian angel...

Discussion about anchor
To show to novices what we do can be so embarrassing! Especially when we discover to do different from someone else!! It's nice then to discuss about the solutions adopted by each one and to go back to the theory and the instructions we had, long time ago when we had a course. It's even more nice to have in the group someone very experienced and able to instruct all the group.

Show what we do to offer examples
to the novices is so hard!
Finally, the satisfaction is great: ready for new challenging funny experiences and with someone more leading now!

Thanks to everybody attended the session, to learn and to help. It was great! 
See you at the next training session!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wet wet wet

Plan changed by the rain: 
impossible to climb on the Saturday. A nice walk kept climbers busy all the day.

Happy to see a nice clear sky at the sunset, from the Ling hut

Finally climbers found something to stretch our legs in Moy :)