
Monday, September 5, 2016

The Grey Slab

Sunday morning saw Razzak, Greg and Mark meet up at a midgey Linn of Dee car park and having divided up the climbing gear, which led Greg to have to decide what food to leave out of his small rucksack, we cycled in to Derry lodge where the bikes were left and walked in towards the Coire Sputan Dearg buttress - a long midgey trudge.

However when we reached the bottom of the crag and our destined route of the Grey Slab (HS***),
the sun was shining and a gentle breeze kept the midges at bay - happy days! 

I led the first 2 pitches (put together), a nice groove up the slab with plenty to keep you entertained and just enough gear to keep you sane!  Razzak then led the 3rd 40m pitch
Although his shouts of 'safe' were drowned out by the RAF

The final easier pitches were led by Greg, his first leads on a Scottish mountain route. Although by now the wind had dropped and we were plagued by midges again.

But we got to the top before any rain got us, this was to hit later on the walk out over Derry Cairngorm.  A happy party completed a great route and got the best of the day.

PS- the midges at Derry Lodge and Linn of Dee carpark made a good attempt at outdoing the Glen Affric ones!!

Midgey Munroes in Glen Affric

A brave group of 10 AMCers braved the midge forecast and went in to Strawberry Cottage on Friday night (luckily there was a gentle breeze for those left to walk in).
Saturday dawned cloudy and still - ideal midge conditions. Various groups and individuals went there separate ways.
The main group of Denis, Holly, Charles, Judith and Mark were aiming for Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan and decided to go over An Socach on the way to get up on the ridge and hopefully escape the midges.  I decided that the south ridge would make a different way up, although this soon proved to be a mistake - steep grassy hillside that meant those not able to walk fast enough (ie everyone except myself) were plagued by the wee beasties. 
However we all made it up to An Sochach for lunch in good spirits.

However the advantage of being slow was that the morning clouds slowly lifted and so by the time we were on the second summit the views looking west were fabulous.

A more tired party then trudged at varying speeds the long road back to Strawberry cottage via the SYHA at Altbeithe. 

In the mean time the other parties had arrived back at the cottage and prepared the usual excellent AMC meal.  Also special mention should go in dispatches to Ed, Mat and Bruce for braving the evening midges and getting the water pump working to fill the tank from the river.

Sunday again dawned grey and still.  Many people had had enough from the Saturday walk and so just walked out along the north shore of Loch Affric or simply drove out.  Ed, Scuz and Mark went the slightly longer way back to the car park over the 2 Corbetts of Carn a Chorie Ghairbh and Aonach Shasuinn.  This was in order to appease Scuzer's need for thrashing the Goat and her bad case of Corbettitis.

 a view of the north side of Glen Affric

we did come across a useful new path down from the hill though thanks to the Estate.......