
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Mill Cottage Meet (Feshiebridge) 8-9 December

A dismal but improving forecast allowed 15 club members to enjoy a wide range of activities in the Northern Cairngorms across the 2 day meet held at the comfortably equipped and cosy Mill Cottage in Feshiebride near Kincraig.
Saturday was reasonably mild for the time of year with the westerly winds blowing lighter than forecast with occasional sunny spells and mostly good visibility. On Sunday the northerlies brought colder temperatures and reduced visibility on the tops.
Ed, Scuz and Ewan decided to opt for a lower level cycle covering a mere (and very muddy) 65km on Saturday!
Ed looking very muddy indeed
Derek, Hazel, Morna and Luke took in circular route of A’Chailleach, Geal Charn and Creag an h-Iolaire in the Monadliaths. An interesting river crossing at the start of the walk due to the heavy rains the previous night meant soggy feet all round. It didn’t dampen spirits though and an enjoyable walk was had by all. Morna even had her sunglasses on, but only briefly.
Luke, Morna and Hazel on the ascent towards A’Chailleach

Luke, Morna and Hazel on the summit of Geal Charn

Ann and John ascended the Graham of Meall nan Eagan by the East ridge before descending to look at the impressive meltwater channels off the north side of the Fara.
Meall nan Eagan, Ann pictured
Judith, Mark, Bruce and Robert wandered along to visit the beautifully refurbished Ruigh Aiteachain bothy in the Glenfeshie Estate.
Mark, Bruce & Robert in Glenfeshie

Meanwhile, Eric bagged Munro Geal Charn in the western Monadliaths.

With the meet being so close to Christmas it seemed fitting that late afternoon mince pies and mulled wine were enjoyed before a delicious and filling meal was served in the evening (thanks to the volunteer chefs Ann, Morna, Bruce, Hazel, Scuz & Mark and to Judith for the wine).

Sunday brought a drizzly start but it didn’t put off the majority of the members from heading out again to enjoy the wintery conditions.  Hazel and Derek, later joined by Ed and Scuz, enjoyed a traditional ascent of Bynack More. Snow was lying from around 700m adding interest to the scramble up the final steep ridge. A short lunch was enjoyed together before Ed and Scuz continued south to take on a couple of additional tops before their return to Glenmore Lodge.
Hazel, Ed & Scuz on the approach to Bynack More
A brief lunch stop at the top of Bynack More
Ewan and Stuart enjoyed a spot of early winter climbing in Coire an t-Sneachda, setting off early and bleary-eyed from the hut to make the most of the short daylight hours.
Mark, Judith, Robert, Luke & Morna ascended Corbett Geal-Charn Mor from Lynwilg near Aviemore before everyone headed back to Aberdeen, tired and hungry but happy.
Morna, Robert, Mark & Luke at the summit of Geal-Charn Mor

Monday, November 26, 2018

Inverardran Meet (Crianlarich) 17-18 November

On the way from Beinn Dubhchraig to Ben Oss, with Ben Lui beyond. Photo: Bob.

A promising forecast turned out to be a weekend of cracking weather over the western highlands. A dozen club members headed over to Inverardran Cottage near Crianlarich, which provided a spacious and very well-equipped base for exploring the surrounding hills.

Both Saturday and Sunday were mild, with patches of low cloud blowing in and out on the Saturday making for atmospheric conditions, the odd  Brocken Spectre, and great views when it cleared.

Bob enjoying a Brocken Spectre on Beinn Dubhchraig. Photo: Alex.

An east-west traverse of Ben Lui, taking in the three adjacent munros of Ben Dubhchraig, Ben Oss, and Beinn a'Chleibh, made for a cracking day out for Bob, Rob, Emma, Razzak, Emma and Alex. That party crossed paths with Calum and Andy who, from a different angle, also took in Ben Lui and some neighbours.

The gang, minus Bob, trudging through boggy woodland on the approach (which is also how we ended the day!). Photo: Bob.
At the second summit. Photo: Bob.
Traversing towards the impressive bulk of Ben Lui. Photo: Alex.
Andy & Calum approaching from the other side. Photo: Calum.
3rd lunch (or was it 4th?) just before the last push up Ben Lui. Photo: Alex.
Razzak & Emma starting the long descent off Beinn a'Chleibh. Photo: Alex.

Donald and Jane also stayed fairly local on the Saturday, walking up Beinn Odhar and Beinn Chaorach, while Roddy and Mark headed up to Glen Etive to venture over Meall nan Eun and Stob Coire 'an Albannaich.

Donald on his way up Beinn Odhar, the first of two steep Corbetts climbed on Saturday. Photo: Jane.

Roddy and Mark enjoying the sun up the road in Glen Etive. Photos: Roddy.

A monster communal meal recharged batteries on Saturday night (thanks chefs!), fuelling people to take advantage of even clearer conditions on the Sunday. It was views as far as the eye can see from nearby Beinn Dubhchraig and the Corbett Fiarach (Donald and Jane), and Ben Challum (Bob, Emma & Rob). Razzak, Emma and Mark opted for a spot of late season trad climbing on the way home at Polney Crag (Dunkeld), while Roddy was back up towards Glen Etive to tick off Beinn Fhionnlaidh.

Spectacular views from Fiarach. Photo: Jane.
Rob & Emma at the summit of Ben Challum. Photo: Bob.

The views were equally spectacular from The Cobbler; Calum, Andy and Alex headed there for a scramble over the south and central peaks before bagging the munro of Beinn Narnain on the way back. A great day out!

Andy takes in the view on the approach to the Cobbler. Photo: Alex.
Looking across to the central peak (left) from the top of the south peak. Photo: Alex.
Looking back across the craggy south peak. Photo: Alex.
Clear views across to Ben Lomond and far beyond from the summit of Beinn Narnain. Photo: Alex.

A fine weekend before things turned colder and more unsettled.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Celebrating my Birthday with the AMC on An Teallach

Some pics from the recent meet to The Smiddy in Dundonnell. Just happened to be my 32nd birthday getting to celebrate with some excellent people.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Snowy Braemar 2&3rd March
The heavy snow took it's toll on the Braemar Mountain Festival, but a talk on Friday night on climbing in Alaska by Greg Boswell went ahead.  This was followed by a ceilidh in the village hall.  A few intrepid AMC members (Derek, Hazel, Bob, Emma +Rebecca) showed off their dancing skills (Derek wearing big B3 winter climbing boots - impressive !).

The wind had dropped a bit by Saturday but the visibility higher up was still poor, so a ski tour up through the the Caledonian forest at Ballochbuie was a safe option.  Great snow for skiing, so several ascents on skins up through the thinning trees at the top of the forest to the slopes above were done to give some geat ski descents in powder snow.  The long track back to the Invercauld bridge was  good fun on the steep bits but gave some energetic poling to keep going on the flatter sections in the soft snow.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

New Year 2018!

The 2018 New Year Meet was at Mol Mor in Torridon.  Ten intrepid AMCers went along with a separate contingent staying in more salubrious accommodation up the road in Ullerpool and linking up for a day near Loch Maree.  The weather wasn't exactly kind but there were some brief spells of sunshine and full advantage was taken.  New year was brought in with a small five course meal and plenty of booze. 

Ascent of Beinn Damh

Full squad at Loch Maree.  Bruce demonstrating the latest in technical mountain head wear.

Ascent of Meall a Ghuithais

Looking over Loch Maree

The summit,  This was cold.....

The Bright Lights of Ullapool