
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Torridon Weekend 15/17 Feb

12 of us stayed in the Ling Hut in Torridon for the weekend.  A passing visitor may have thought it a romantic candle lit weekend as it was just after Valentine's Day ? But no, the generator had blown a fuse !

The forecast for Saturday wasn't great but that didn't deter AMC from heading out.

Morna, Alasdair and Charles set of heading south from the hut to do Ben Liath Mhor, but after several difficult river crossings and deteriorating conditions decided to call it a day and head back to the hut.
Morna fording one of the rivers.

Luigi, Ewan, Scuz, Linda, Greg and Bob headed for Beinn Eighe, doing the walk in to Coire Mhic Fhearchair first with the hope that the rain would stop before we gained any significant height.  Scuz wanted to do the western top, Sail Mhor, too so set off west out of the coire while the rest of us headed up to the col and on to the first summit, Ruath-stac Mor.  The weather started to clear as we headed south then east to the second summit Spidean Coire nan Clach.  Scuz confirmed her "rocketfeet"  handle by catching us up having done both Sail Mor and Ruath-stac Mor, so all 6 of us made the second summit together.  Confusingly the Trig point isn't at the summit - the summit is about 20m higher and about 200m to the NE.  It would be an easy mistake to miss the summit on a misty day!  We could see the hut from the Trig point so too a fairly direct line towards the hut in descent.

View from Coire Mhic Fhearchair.

On Beinn Eighe with Liathach behind.

Descending towards the hut.

Some with shorter days planned and confidence in the improving weather forecast opted for later starts.  Robert had also driven down from Ullapool to join us for the day, so he and Mark did the two hills behind the hut, Sgurr Dubh and Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine.  Jane did her remaining Corbett in the area, Meall a Ghiuthais.

 Loch Maree from Meall a Ghiuthais.
Meall a Ghiuthais.

Unfortunately Donald went down with a bug so spent most of the weekend in bed in the hut.

The Ling Hut with Beinn Eighe behind.

A very convivial evening was had on Saturday evening with some fine food.

The forecast for Sunday wasn't great so most opted for short walks on the way home, with Rogie Falls  being a popular choice.  The new cafe in the railway carriage at East Grantown was a welcome halt on the way home.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Nice Ice in Glen Clova

Monday 12/2/19 - Aaron and Bob had a good day ice climbing in Winter Corries of Driesh.  We did Central Buttress which is graded 2 in the guide book and normally a snow gully with a small ice pitch. However, with very little snow about it was 3 long pitches of ice, mainly easy angle but with some steeper sections of grade 3.  Good practice for Aaron placing and removing ice screws.  Some pics below.

 Winter Corries of Diesh.  Very little snow.  Central Gully is line on far left.

 Aaron concentrating.

Nice ice!

Aaron on the final ice bulge.