
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Club walk up Pressendye

With the government coranivurus guidelines having eased allowing organised activities for larger group sizes from multiple households, it seemed a good time to start organising some day walks.  

The weather looked good for Saturday so a few club members headed for a wander up Pressendye near Tarland, organised by Juliette.    

Views on the way up

The higher hills looked stunning as the group made their way (individually) to Tarland.  The group set off walking along quiet country roads before making their way up the hill.  They had great views on the way up, though the weather got a bit atmospherically hazy towards the top.  It was, however, mild and calm throughout the day allowing for a leisurely outing with plenty of socially distanced conversation.

Beech trees

A physically distanced lunch break

It was a lovely area to explore and great to meet up with other people.  Hopefully we will have plenty more opportunities to walk together over the winter.