
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Start of Spring?

With a gradual move towards normality, the February meet to Torridon went ahead. 7 members stayed at the comfortable SMC Ling hut, which has been upgraded with a new generator, providing light and pumped water. With a forecast of strong wind, Charlie, Piotr and Neil headed out early on Saturday, hoping to find shelter in Coireag Dubh Mor on Liathach. There was reasonable shelter, but they soon discovered their target, Poacher’s Fall, was running with water and had no depth of ice.

They had to content themselves with some bouldering on the return to the hut. Duncan went into the same corrie and ascended Way Up and onto Spidean a Choire Leith. Luigi, Robert and Donald walked into Coire Mhic Fhearchair with a view of a very bare Triple Buttress.

A regular AMC meal followed in the evening.


The forecast for Sunday offered less wind but no prospect of better ice conditions and likely rain. The three climbers decided on another early start and headed to the Northern Corries and climbed Savage Slit in Coire an Lochain.

Robert went off to take some photographs while Luigi, Duncan and Donald walked south from the hut. Luigi climbed Beinn Liath Mhor and the others went into Coire Grannda, all being rewarded with fine views of Liathach in the early afternoon sun as they walked back and an early drive home.


Perhaps not a classic Torridon winter weekend but certainly enjoyable to be away. 

(Photos by Piotr and Donald)