Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Last weekend saw John and Ann in the deep South West for a reunion with the old Uni crowd at Suie Lodge Hotel, near Crianlarich. A foul forecast for Saturday seemed fairly accurate with low cloud and steady rain through the very generous breakfast. However, the bagging urge was strong and off we set for Beinn Bhuidhe at the head of Loch Fyne. I was as surprised as anyone when my bluster about “driving through the weather” came true and the rain stopped just as we parked.
The walk itself was more interesting than I remembered and I actually quite enjoyed it, despite having not been looking forward to re-doing this one. We got views from the top and the first shower didn’t really get us until we were most of the way back down again.
The summit of Beinn Bhuidhe from the approach

Sunday too was on forecast – clear and sunny with wintry showers hanging around. Pretty much the whole gang decided to do the same hill, Ben Vane above Loch Lomond. A short walk-in on a track gave way to a brutally steep but not too long ascent of the East Ridge, broken only by elevenses in a well-placed cave. 
Starting the steep ascent of Ben Vane
Things got interesting near the top where we were reacquainted with winter and met two walkers who turned back due to not having any winter kit with them. It wasn’t as bad as it looked and the weather cleared up to give some great views from the summit. Then it was down the West Ridge to make a bit more of a day of it and avoid the steepness of the ascent route.
The interesting bit...
Near the summit

Veiw east to the Trossachs
Ben Narnain and The Cobbler

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