Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Windy Weekend

The weekend at the beginning of February saw the club off to Laggan to the Bunkhouse at the Roundhouse- a new and excellent venue for a small meet.

Despite the wild forecast for Friday evening  travelling wasn't too bad. Saturday was due to be very windy so we got down to checking forecasts and looking for suitable ventures.

Yvonne, Linda, Roddy, Mark, Andrew and Judith set out for a Graham on Creag Ruadh. We started out up the ridge sheltered from the wind in a bit of sunshine and in the snow. But gradually it became more overcast, windier and snowy. Once at the top of the ridge it became much wilder and our summit was completely out of view.  The intrepid trio of Roddy, Linda and Andrew headed into snow to get along the ridge while the others headed on the circuit down.  It was good to get out.


Ann and John decided to go skiing on Geal Charn and managed to get up as far as 750m which was good going in the wind and snow.

We were all glad to get back to the bunkhouse in the afternoon, enjoying tea and cake, chat and the usual high standard AMC meal.

Sunday was another day of howling gales in Laggan so we all headed off after a leisurely start. Mark and Judith found the sun beside Granton and decided to get out for a walk along the Spey  - a good option for a wild day higher up.

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